Welcome to Placid Audiology
Dr. Karen Wolff is a proudly independent audiologist located in Lake Placid, New York. She aims to always provide friendly, professional, and personalized hearing and tinnitus care, utilizing state of the art technology in a comfortable atmosphere.
Services we offer:
- Hearing evaluations
- Tinnitus evaluations and management
- Hearing Aid Consultations and Fittings
- Real Ear Measurements
- Hearing Aid Maintenance and Repairs
- Assistive Listening Devices
- Custom Hearing Protection for work and play
(Hunters, swimmers, musicians, weekend warriors) - Brain Training / Aural Rehabilitation
Let us help you:
To schedule a hearing or tinnitus evaluation, please call 518-523-0090
We participate with most insurance companies. Major credit cards are accepted. Financing is available.
Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 – 4:00. Friday by appointment. Convenient Parking!

Did You Know?
I know I should get a hearing test, but I don’t know what to expect. What happens in a hearing test?
Here’s what you can expect during a visit to Placid Audiology: A hearing exam takes place in our soundproof room. You will listen to a series of tones at different volumes and pitches through headphones, and indicate each time you hear one, no matter how soft. You will be asked to repeat words and phrases which can help determine how clearly you can understand speech, both in quiet and noisy situations. Dr. Wolff does all of the testing herself, and she will explain the results to you. The entire process is painless and can even be fun! Everyone should have a baseline hearing exam by age 50.